How Kooper Fox Recovered from a Lyme-Like Illness

Kooper Fox

Kooper Fox is a young man who works at the Ozone clinic as a Wellness Consultant. But Kooper has been through his own health journey and today, he’s going to tell us a bit more about that journey. He went from being very ill where he could hardly able to get out of bed to now, where he’s back working five days a week. In his spare time, he pursues his passion for flying light planes. We asked him how he achieved this.

So, Kooper, this is a major difference – from very ill to flying small planes. Can you tell us how long ago was it that you first started feeling unwell and why it was bad enough you knew you had to do something about it?

Kooper: I started becoming unwell when I was about five. I used to get a period where I was really sick and then I’d be fine for six months and then I would get quite sick again – and it would always be something slightly different. So you know, one time they thought it was pneumonia, the next time, six months later, they thought it was meningitis. And of course they never could quite confirm what it was, so they just nuked me with everything and I got better. They just said, win, win and we’d be done. I continuously kept getting sick, getting better, getting sick, getting better with all sorts of random things.

And you were growing up in a country area?

Kooper: Yeah. I grew up on rural farms across Queensland, New South Wales and occasionally a bit of time in the Northern Territory. So, I grew up quite far away from good healthcare. Out there also, we’re exposed to many, many more diseases, viruses and much worse health conditions in general. So I’ve been exposed to a lot more.

But I was always was getting sick, whereas everyone else who was the same age, in the same area, never were. We knew there was something a little off, and then I got sick at the very end of February, I had quite literally a spell of vertigo – and from there… I’d had vertigo many times before but it hit hard. And then every symptom just combined on top of that. I ended up in hospital and I was there for nearly a month and I had no idea what was going on.

How old were you then?

Kooper: I was 18 then. They had no idea what was what. They looked at me and were like – “Okay, we don’t know.” So they sent me home and of course, I couldn’t do anything. I could barely get out of bed.

How long did that go on for?

Kooper: I was like that for another couple of months or so, and then the main, main symptom was a left sided deficit. I had no feeling and no movement down my left side – so it was like a stroke. It was very, very hard for me to do things. I was still everywhere else, but I was also so tired and had brain fog as well.

Then, I was down here in Sydney. I was actually visiting a naturopath I’d seen a few times before in Parramatta. And my cousin is a patient here at the Ozone Clinic – she’s Jo Bell (see our story here about Jo). She’s been here many times and she just recommended it. She said: “Look, you’re 10 minutes away, pop over and see what they can do.”

So we did, came over, spoke to the doctor, did the test. I went back home and when I came back, we finally got the diagnosis of what it actually was – which was a Lyme-like illness. That was spectacular to finally know what it was.

Kooper Fox Flying
In his spare time, Kooper follows his passion and flys light planes. But he was unable to do this when very unwell only about one year ago.

You could see that on the blood test?

Kooper: Yes. We could see that on the blood test – it was as plain as day pretty much. From there we decided, okay, we’ll go home for a little bit, we’ll take some supplements in the meantime, and then we’ll come back. Because I lived so far away, I came back and I did continuous treatment every day, all day.

Because you were still living in..

Kooper: At that time, I was living near Gilgandra. I was still at least seven hours drive away, and it wasn’t feasible coming once or twice a week.

Is that Queensland or?

Kooper: New South Wales. About an hour and a half or two hours from Dubbo. I came down and I did just shy of seven weeks, not quite two months down here. So every day I did treatment. So my first treatment was the gas. I did the gas five days straight and then I started with IV as well.

Ozone IV?

Kooper: Ozone IV. And Ozone IV I alternated so I did three days on, three days off – or four on two off and so forth. Just because I didn’t want to overload the body too much. I was doing EFLA on certain sections of the body due to damage to certain areas that have been caused.

And that’s the EFLA…

Kooper: The millimetre wave technology.

Yes, that’s right. So it’s electronic waves and frequencies?

Kooper: It uses frequencies and waves to repair different areas and stimulate the area. So I used it as well. I also did a few other things – I obviously had quite a lot of supplements over the time. I became quite a lot better, whilst I was down here, and then I went back home after that period of time. I wasn’t quite 100% when I left but I kept getting that bit better and that bit better. And whilst I was down here, the doctor and I were making small talk during one of the procedures, and he figured out I was in the medical industry.

He obviously realised I was quite interested in the medicine and I certainly believed in it because well – I was a protégé obviously. So, I came down here again afterwards just to see what it would be like for a job and it was very, very good. I became one of the consultants. So now I get to administer the same treatment and help the doctor diagnose conditions – the same as what he did for me – and to help others the way the doctor helped me.

And it’s great that you’ve got your own story because you can obviously see what patients are handling?

Kooper: Most certainly, yes. I know where they’re coming from. A lot of them describe symptoms and they – obviously, no person is going to describe the same symptoms the same way. They’re going to go: “Hey, I feel like this.” The next one will say a slightly different thing or a different analogy. I understand what they mean because I’ve actually felt it. So, I felt 90% of the symptoms most Lyme patients have felt. I understand where they’re coming from, particularly also with the push-offs from mainstream medicine – the “Hey, there’s nothing wrong, there’s nothing wrong,” when of course something is.

Yes – the old “It’s all in your head…”

Kooper: Yes, exactly. So I can relate to people there as well, and of course as a patient before, I also know what the treatments are like. So I know what they’re going through with the treatment. I know how it can be draining or how it can be a really big boost to the system. So I know how they’re feeling day to day.

So at the age of 18 you weren’t well, so without these treatments that you’ve had here, you wouldn’t have been able to do the work you’re doing here.

Kooper: That’s right. When I was at end of the last years of high school, I’d noticed I used to be quite a good student. I used to get 90s at least in all my exams and I was doing really, really well. But things slowly started to drip out. And it was just getting lower and lower and I then just decided we needed to fix it.

But nothing was working from that, so from a brain fog point of view. And then when I had the major turn as such, that’s when we realised, hey, that’s a symptom, not a separate issue.

And you did try lots of other conventional treatments but they weren’t effective?

Kooper: We did, yeah. I did antibiotics – pretty much every one under the sun – like flucloxacillin, ceftriaxone, everything. Nothing worked. I tried the steroid treatment, I tried detoxes, I tried everything. They even put me on SSRI inhibitors, which didn’t work. They tried everything. Because they didn’t know what they were fighting, they threw everything at it. And it was just the wrong thing for what we were really were fighting.

And you see the benefits that the treatments here have given you?

Kooper: I see the benefits, yes. And I understand the science behind them and because I’ve had ozone via saline. I also can relate to an extent as to how they’ll feel afterwards. Because obviously it’s still getting ozone, the same – and you’ll get the same possible side effects as what you could from a saline.

How old are you now, Kooper?

Kooper: I’m 19 now.

So it’s been a year since you were unwell?

Kooper: It’s been a year since I’ve been unwell. And it’s been nine months I’ve been here now. So it’s been a short period of my journey yet one of the longest you’ll ever have, if that makes sense.

And you don’t feel any relapse?

Kooper: I haven’t had any relapses, no. I did get, not long after I started working down here, maybe a month in, I ended up with some form of virus, just a small one. And that did knock my system down, which of course knocked everything down. But within about 48 hours I was back up, good and proper. Just by using the medicine here, too. I took quite a few supplements and I did do one IV saline just to help.

That’s amazing, isn’t it? So I guess it’s a good feeling to know that there is a way to cope with this illness. You had quite strong symptoms, were very unwell – and then better in a matter of months.

Kooper: Exactly, I’ve been very lucky to have had these treatments and to have responded so well.

For more information on the types of Ozone therapy available at the Ozone Clinic in Castle Hill, Sydney, you can call and ask to make a time for a free consultation. Phone on (02) 9188 8599 or email the clinic on

Disclaimer: In Australia, some of the therapies offered at the Ozone Clinic are not officially recognised as a part of mainstream medical practice. These therapies are known as complementary therapies and are considered to be useful as an additional treatment to those offered by your medical practitioner. The Ozone Clinic and its personnel are fully trained in the application of these complementary therapies but they’re not registered medical practitioners and are considered to be complementary therapists.