Chronic Digestive Conditions

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Chronic Digestive Conditions

Many people are affected by chronic digestive conditions and they often suffer in silence. But there’s no need to do this when there the Ozone Clinic has treatments can help you to restore your microbiome to working order and minimise your digestive problems over time. Ask a therapist at The Ozone Clinic for the available therapies now.


Here’s a list of some of the most common digestive conditions:


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


This occurs when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus so you get acid reflux. If you have this you often feel a burning pain in the middle of your chest after eating. Most people find relief by avoiding the foods and beverages which trigger their symptoms and by taking over-the-counter antacids which reduce stomach acid.




Gallstones are hard deposits which form in your gallbladder – the organ which stores and secretes bile for digestion. Many people have gallstones and they often notice them by a sharp pain they feel in their upper-right abdomen.


The Ozone Clinic has treatments for gallstones so speak to the medical professionals at the Ozone Clinic if you have gallstones. Other doctors will advise you to have your gallbladder removed but before you do this, talk to us at the Ozone Clinic.


Celiac Disease


Celiac disease is a serious sensitivity to gluten – the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. If you have Celiac disease and you eat gluten, your immune system will start to damage your villi which line your small intestines and help you absorb nutrients.


Symptoms of Celiac disease can include abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and weight loss. You may also experience anemia, fatigue, bone loss, depression and seizures. The main treatment for celiac disease is to avoid eating any gluten.


Crohn’s Disease


Crohn’s disease is part of a group of digestive conditions called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s most commonly affects the terminal ileum, which connects the end of the small bowel and the beginning of the colon but it can affect any part of the digestive tract.


The most common symptoms of Crohn’s disease are abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, weight loss and fever.


Ulcerative Colitis


Ulcerative Colitis is another inflammatory bowel disease and the symptoms for it are very similar to those of Crohn’s, but the part of the digestive tract affected is solely the large intestine, also known as the colon.


With ulcerative colitis, your immune system can mistake food as an invader and so it attacks the food which causes ulcers to develop in the colon’s lining. Symptoms include frequent and urgent bowel movements, pain with diarrhea, blood in your stool and abdominal cramps.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome


If you experience stomach pain or discomfort at least three times a month for several months, it could be irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), another common digestive condition. Symptoms include constipation, diarrhea and bloating. People have found changing their diet, relieving stress and supplementing with probiotics has helped them reduce these symptoms.




If you find you’re passing red blood when you move your bowels, you could have haemorrhoids. This is a very common condition and other symptoms include chronic constipation and straining during bowel movements.


Hemorrhoids are an inflammation of the blood vessels at the end of your digestive tract and they can be painful and itchy. People find they can alleviate the symptoms of their haemorrhoids by eating more fibre in their diet, drinking more water and exercising.




Diverticulitis is caused when small pouches called diverticula form where there are weak spots in the lining of your digestive system. The most common place to find them is in your colon.

Symptoms of diverticulitis include fever and abdominal pain. Often people become overweight when suffering from diverticulitis. Again, a high fibre diet can help with this condition.


Anal Fissures


Anal fissures are tiny, oval-shaped tears in the lining of the very end of your digestive tract called your anus. The symptoms are similar to those of hemorrhoids, such as bleeding and pain after moving your bowels. Straining and hard bowel movements can cause fissures, but so can soft stools and diarrhea.


For this condition, a high fibre diet can help make the stools easier to pass. There are other treatments for this condition which the Ozone Clinic can offer.

Disclaimer: In Australia, some of the therapies offered at the Ozone Clinic are not officially recognised as a part of mainstream medical practice. These therapies are known as complementary therapies and are considered to be useful as an additional treatment to those offered by your medical practitioner. The Ozone Clinic and its personnel are fully trained in the application of these complementary therapies but they’re not registered medical practitioners and are considered to be complementary therapists.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9.30am – 6.30pm
Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pm
Sunday Closed
Holidays Closed

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    • Address Ozone Clinic Sydney, 77 Cecil Avenue, Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Australia
    • Phone (02) 9188 8599