Why Advanced Blood Analysis is Such a Valuable Tool

Pamela Connellan Blood

The Ozone Clinic in Castle Hill, Sydney, has been carrying out Advanced Blood Analysis for some time now. They do this because they can use the results from these tests to find out valuable information about the patient’s overall health and it helps a great deal to work out the most effective treatment for each patient.

In some ways, the clinic’s Advanced Blood Analysis is similar to Live Blood Analysis (LBA) – a technique used by some integrative practitioners. But there are quite a few differences between Advanced Blood Analysis and LBA.

One of the most important differences is the fact LBA use Bright Light Microscopy and for its Advanced Blood Analysis, the Ozone Clinic uses fluorescent and darkfield microscopy. According to Dr Dulitsky PhD MD (Ru) from the Ozone Clinic: “This is a completely different process.”

The microscopes the Ozone Clinic uses are extremely advanced and they show a level of detail which is only possible with this type of microscope. As well, when the Ozone Clinic gets the results from the Advanced Blood Analysis, these slides are entered into a system and analysed by a program designed for this purpose. As Dr Dulitsky PhD MD (Ru) says: “The results are not simply observed. They’re entered into this program which analyses the results in a scientific manner.”

How is Advanced Blood Analysis carried out?

Advanced Blood Analysis is a relatively painless procedure. With just a small prick of blood from your finger, a droplet of blood is placed on a glass strip and stained with various materials. It’s then viewed under a microscope and the image is projected onto the screen so the patient can watch their blood cells in action. This enables the consultants at the Ozone Clinic to look at the patient’s blood cells – their shape, colour, movements etc – plus anything else which is in the blood.

All of this information helps the consultants determine your inflammation levels, oxidative stress, nutritional status, liver and immune health and when this is all added together, it can give a clear indication of the patient’s overall health.

Is this type of testing new?

This type of live blood test has been hailed as a huge advance forward for medicine but it’s really by no means new. Antony van Leeuwenhoek observed in 1686 how living blood cells changed shape during circulation with his newly-developed microscope. Ever since, doctors, scientists and others have studied blood samples in various ways.

This type of testing does provide a great deal of information about a patient’s health, including the state of their immune system, the amount of toxicity they are handling, any other imbalances including mould, fungus and yeast etc.

Why is this form of testing such a helpful tool?

The reasons why Advanced Blood Analysis is such a powerful tool when it comes to health diagnosis are many. One of the biggest benefits is the fact that for the patient alone – simply seeing their own blood cells on a computer screen is a very powerful experience. It makes the diagnosis more real for them because when you see your live blood cells it is easy – even for the un-trained eye- to see what’s there.

When various elements such as infection or toxins are pointed out, it’s so realistic it can give the patient a great deal more motivation to do what they need to do to make their blood healthier. There’s really no comparison to looking at a screen which shows a slide of your blood cells or even a live video of your blood – and simply looking at a test result which says you’ve come up positive for something.

It’s even better as the patient progresses through treatments, because they can see the change which is occurring as they do this. It can be extremely empowering when a patient can see the composition of their blood and the shapes of their blood cells changing, when they re-test.

What can Advanced Blood Analysis diagnose?

Advanced Blood Analysis can help identify and treat health conditions because it allows practitioners to view the size, shape, ratios and fine structure of the red cells, white cells and platelets in your blood. From this information, it’s possible to identify a range of health conditions and to then select the best treatments.

But at the Ozone Clinic, the consultants don’t jump to conclusions from the tests alone. While the consultant will look over the tests with the patient and identify some of the issues, the results are also placed in a program which analyses them to give a more structured and scientific method of reading the results.

Advanced Blood Analysis is particularly useful in assessing the following:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Immune system problems
  • Oxidative stress & free radical damage
  • Inflammation
  • Liver health

Here’s what Dr Dulitsky PhD MD (Ru) has to say about the Advanced Blood Analysis they do at The Ozone Clinic in Castle Hill, Sydney:

“Sometimes we might see a patch of the cells which is anaemic and then we see another area which is normal. But we can input these test results into our system and this way, we’ll get a better idea of what’s happening. Our method of calculation is unique – it’s based on a mathematical algorithm,” says Dr Dulitsky PhD MD (Ru).

“Russia’s always been very strong in physics and mathematics and the solution is in the mathematics. All life forms can be expressed in a mathematical and physical equations. So, the Russian government gathered physicists, mathematicians, doctors and chemists together to try and find new ways to diagnose conditions from these tests. That’s where the origins of this type of testing come from,” he adds.

“This way, a special algorithm was developed and so what we get from this method of blood testing is a combination of what we observe and the information from our system. We can actually use special technology to push bacteria out of hiding. It’s not just a simple test. The process of calculation is very different. It tells us a story – some of it is very scientific and used in labs all around the world – and some is very unique to Russia.

“The reason we have gone this way is because if you send your blood to IGeneX in America, they’re giving you the results based on your immune response. But your immune system can be exhausted which is very common with Lyme disease. So, your system might not have responded but you do have that bacteria.

“I’ve seen where the Epstein Barr virus can give you a false positive on Borrelia. You can often get a false negative or a false positive – but you’re not actually seeing what’s going on, because of the bacterial load. For example, let’s say you might be positive for Borrelia but under the microscope, we see one or two Borrelia, peacefully feeding from some fungus. This Borrelia will not cause much of a problem. But once people start taking antibiotics, then the Borrelia becomes aggressive – it has a very complex adaptative system which means when you try to kill it, it will try to spread more. As a species, when it’s threatened, it will try to survive more so it will try to hide in the cells as a defence mechanism.

“So, when we see bacteria under the microscope, we’re looking at their behaviour as well. We know so little about the world of bacteria. What we don’t realise is that for every one of our cells, we have 365 cells of bacteria. And they are so complex – they can produce hormones, they can produce enzymes, they can impact our behaviour. We have a very complex balance of multiple bacteria.

“What we find is when people have antibiotics, they disrupt this communication between bacteria. You can have bacteria in your body but never have any symptoms because your immune system is organised and can control them. This is what we can see with the level of microscopy we have. We can see the bacteria a patient has and we can see how aggressive they are which helps us to select the right approach.

“Sometimes we might not need an aggressive approach – we might need to support the immune system. But if some bacteria are really aggressive, we could need to do some urgent treatment. This is the fine detail which you don’t get with any other test.

“When we re-test, we can see how effective our treatment has been. With our method, we can closely monitor what’s happening all the time. How balanced things are and how effective what we’re doing is. So that’s a big part of it – closely monitoring how effective our treatment is. We invested in Calcise microscopes which are the best in the world – altogether they’re worth over $100,000 because you get the extra quality and we can take videos of the blood as well.

“But as well as all of this, the most important thing is our unique correlation system which allows us to create the big picture so we can understand what’s happening in the patient’s body. As far as I know, there’s no other system in the world, using this method. So, we’re using a scientifically-proven method which – combined with our unique correlation system – gives us an extremely high level of accuracy.

“Our system allows us to study patterns because in life, things fluctuate. Today is different to tomorrow. Studying living organisms is very different to studying dead cells. This leads us to understand and to decipher the patterns.”

These therapies are all available here at The Ozone Clinic Australia in Castle Hill, Sydney. For more information on these therapies take a look here.

Disclaimer: In Australia, some of the therapies offered at the Ozone Clinic are not officially recognised as a part of mainstream medical practice. These therapies are known as complementary therapies and are considered to be useful as an additional treatment to those offered by your medical practitioner.The Ozone Clinic and its personnel are fully trained in the application of these complementary therapies but they’re not registered medical practitioners and are considered to be complementary therapists.

You can call The Ozone Clinic Australia on 61291580555 or email us at info@ozoneclinic.com.au